Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram

In the Meantime

It seems everyone I talk to is dealing with something serious and vexing. Maybe it's life at middle age. Maybe it's living in a toxic and stressful world. Maybe it's just the roll of the dice. I don’t know. But I do know that such levels of suffering provoke some serious contemplation.

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Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram

Life is Curly

Life is curly. It takes unexpected twists and turns. It just does. It always does. And the thing is, you don’t know when the turn is coming, or what the turn will bring, or when it’s going to turn back, or how long the turn will last, or anything.

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Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram

Crisis Car

In my late 40’s I had the notion that I had entered my mid-life crisis. I became aware of my aging, aware that my body was changing. But that was nothing. I see that now. That was just the intimations of mortality, not the real, full-blown, lost at sea, freak-out mid-life crisis. NOW I’m in my mid-life crisis, and I know this based upon the following…

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Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram

Endings and Beginnings

We’ve crossed the Winter Solstice. (The best day of winter, in my opinion. The light’s coming back. Gives one hope.) Christmas has come and gone and the ceaseless conveyor belt of time carries us on into a brave new year, a year that one can only pray will include an impeachment hearing.

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Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram Katherine Ingram Blog Kate Ingram

Simple Gifts

It was gorgeous last weekend, the perfect opportunity to get the kids out of the house, enjoy some time together, and do a bit of Christmas reconnaissance shopping. We walked the half-mile to town in the crisp, cold December morning under a dazzling blue sky, birds flitting and deer grazing in the open field we passed.

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