Kintsugi (keen-soo-gee):

From the Japanese symbols “kin” (gold) and “tsugi” (repair, succeed, continue).
The art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer, enhancing and sealing its scars rather than trying to hide them.

Kate Ingram coaching a client through grief, a job loss, or a deep change in their life.

Your scars tell a powerful story. They make you unique and valuable. When you embrace them, you become whole, healed, and empowered.

As difficult as the trials of life can be, your suffering — be it from a loss, divorce, illness, trauma, or past wounds — can be transformed.

At Kintsugi Coaching, you will be guided in navigating your current circumstances and supported in discovering a new way forward.

 I’m very passionate about this philosophy and practice because I know first-hand how powerful it is.

Leaving wounds unhealed and untended causes unnecessary suffering: anxiety, depression, illness, and blocks of all kinds. Conversely, embracing and using your misfortunes is akin to mending with gold. It makes you unique, resilient, beautiful, and valuable. 

What Clients are Saying


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