She literally changed my life

“Kate saved me at a time when I didn’t see how I could continue on. When my husband was dying she worked with me to see the gifts in the process, to express my gratitude, love, and caring, and to deal with my overwhelming grief. After he passed away, Kate taught me how to accept the grief, allow myself to be open and loving to myself and others, and possibly most important, to slow down and appreciate the NOW. In my lifetime, I have had numerous therapists who helped me but none so much as Kate. She has the precious gift of caring, intuition, experience, and love that she openly shares with her clients. Kate has so many wonderful qualities, but perhaps the most precious one is her ability to listen intently and then offer a comment/suggestion that I took away with me every time I saw her. She literally changed my life!”


Scott Robson

A certified business coach and Squarespace website designer.

An incredibly uplifting experience


Forever grateful